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Twilight Sparkle finds herself waking up in a small space pod with a new body. There is only 4 years old. With no memories other than her name and the knowledge of science she has gained over the years, She is alone and confused as her pod crashes down to the nearest planet, where she meets a kind woman whose name is Vomi, who takes Twilight in as her own. But is Twilight truly alone in this new universe? Or is there an old friend here who can try and help her recall her old life?

A small warning: this story is written by a guy who has never learned to write by school, for they believe I was never going to use it, and English is my second language. So I might be a bit bad.

Else a big thank you to Blackdrag-rose, for talking me into trying to write a story.

Chapters (25)

I think I was created to play music.
I think this because there is a gramophone on my back.
I think it is supposed to play music.
It does not.

This was inspired by a prompt generated by a story idea generator i’ve been working on. The prompt in question was “Write a gothic species swap story about Sweetie Belle with themes of autonomy and tragedy. For an optional challenge, try incorporating music.” I don’t think I stuck particularly well at all to the prompt, but the idea was moreso to inspire rather than create constraints.
Consider this an alternate take on a sweetiebot story with a splash of raritwi.

Cover Art by JulieKarbon

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale

Magic has finally returned to Equestria thanks to Sunny Starscout and her new friends! The pegasi can fly and the unicorns can use levitation again… and the earth ponies have activated their own special magic for the very first time in history. It’s a whole new world! Which is exhilarating… but, well, also a little scary and strange. And now that Sunny is an Alicorn with powers, there’s a lot to figure out. In the middle of all of this, the past begins to haunt Sonic as he, Tails and Knuckles search for a way to return home, reactivate the Chaos Emeralds and find the ones they're missing, as well as stop Dr. Eggman's plans to take over the magical land of Equestria.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls Going Digital

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and Team Shine go to Anaheim for a vacation. But when Dragonaus, the last of the Saurian overlords, is discovered hunting after a sacred relic called the Eye of Sarnoth, they must team up with the hockey playing crime fighters The Mighty Ducks! Will their teamwork be able to take down Dragonaus? Will the fire breathing tyrant conquer all with the Eye of Sarnoth? And will Leo find a working catchphrase? This is one hockey game you don't want to miss!

Also, be on the lookout for some Jawsome special guest stars!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls Holidays Unwrapped

The Ninjas and Rainbooms reunite with their friends, The Digidestined and Team Shine, and head to the Digital World to face enemies new and old alike. But friction stirs in the team when a new team member has a Digimon that resembles an old enemy! Can they trust their new friends and save their worlds? Find out!

Based on fiction by Wildcard25

Chapters (20)

Flash Sentry always loved Digimon. The video games, anime and the card game were things he absolutely loved. And one day, he gets the chance to play a hardcore version that makes the game and Digimon feel real. As such, he jumps at the chance to dive in.

Being transported to the world of Codex, he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World are more real then he could possibly imagine. How will his digital adventure play out? Only time will tell.


OCs by SlidDiamond3214

Chapters (50)

When Sunset invites her friends for a movie marathon to start off their summer they will be involved in a inter-dimensional struggle of race, conquest, and even friendship as they have to avoid monsters and find a way back home.

Cover art by Chofki

Chapters (21)

The multiverse is vast and endless. All the possibilities can happen within it. One of which see's our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man born of the Saiyan Race, sent to Earth to escape a terrible fate. While on Earth he befriends heroes from the Marvel and DC legends, who coexist on this world.

Eventually, Spider-Man finds himself in the world of Equestria, and a new adventure begins.

Senior Contributor - https://www.instagram.com/nickfilay/?hl=en

Story Advisor/Proofreader - https://www.fimfiction.net/user/217541/Marvelsoldier
Proofreader - https://www.fimfiction.net/user/85756/Commander+Stelios

Cover Artist - https://twitter.com/SamRWilloughby

Episode Intro Song - Smash Into Pieces, Let Me Be Your Superhero - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdIFtakQ2rI

Episode Outro Song - Nickelback, Hero - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjhkSjb41VQ

Voice Cast
All MLP characters remain voiced by their original VA's (With some exceptions)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Josh Keaton

Chapters (24)

Ever since the dawn of civilization, there have been numerous varieties of legends and myths. They might have originated from historical truths that have been passed down through the generations or from the fantasies of somepony from a long time ago—tales that were told around campfires and in dining rooms. Then there are civilizations. They would eventually collapse, whether through natural or artificial means. When one falls, another rises in its place. Things have always been this way since the concept of society first emerged.

Therefore, allow me to tell you a story about several curious ponies who came across antiquities from a bygone civilization and a lost age in one of Equestria's most ominous places:

The Everfree Forest

Their discovery would upend their preconceived notions of reality and expose dark secrets that were supposed to remain hidden for all time.


(First fanfic [which is going to be partially graphic], tags are subject to change as the story goes on, and I might do multiple edits/re-edits to certain chapters that need them)
(Additional tags: Slice-of-life, Mystery) 

The story is in the process of being rewritten, but the original story is still up for those who want to know what the first version was like.


Bossypants, DuvetOfReason, and a grammar checker for double-checking grammar and punctuation, story ideas, and/or creating simpler or more readable sentences.

SecondPrances’ helpful suggestions to the story’s layout and design.

TearingNose24, Saffron48043, Moonstone_Knight, and Im a B O X for being helpful commentators of the story

Chapters (4)

Anthony Grimm is a 30-something adrift in life. He has no wife or children. His old friends have moved on with their lives. His parents barely remember he exists. Life hardly seems worth living to him anymore.

One day, due to some unfortunate events, Anthony dies. But that’s not the end of him. Instead, a powerful entity offers him a chance at a new life in Equestria.

Anthony, determined to live life to the fullest now that he has a second chance, accepts the offer and begins his new life as a pony. What new experiences and adventures does Equestria have in store for him?

Read and find out! :pinkiehappy:

First-person POV

Featured: 4/17/23 :yay: (thanks for the support!)
Back in the box: 8/3/23 :rainbowkiss:

Chapters (5)